Returns & Exchange

We understand that there is a possibility that your purchase is not what you expected it to be. In this case, you have 14 days to return your purchase. Please note that an item can only be returned if the item is still packed in its original packaging and is undamaged. Personalized items and clearance items can not be returned.

Before you send your return to us, please inform us about your return by sending an e-mail including your order number and reason to [email protected].

In case you would like to exchange your purchase for another item, we will ship it to you as soon as we received your return.  In case you would like to have a refund, we will process the refund as we received your return within 14 days.

Please note that we can’t give you a refund for the shipping costs that are made for the return. The risk of shipping a return rests with the customer until the moment of delivery at NOYA NOIR.

NOYA NOIR reserves the right to modify its return and exchange policy at any time.

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